Notifier ACM/AEM-32A User Manual
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Page 2 of 4 — DN-0524:B1 • 8/1/2011
touch-pad switches, a System Trouble LED, an On-Line/Power
LED, and a local piezo sounder with a silence/acknowledge
switch for audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions.
Includes instructions. 8.375" (21.27 cm) high; 4.375" (11.11
cm) wide.
AEM-16AT: The Annunciator Expander Module-16AT expands
the ACM-16AT by 16 system points. The AEM-16AT is identi-
cal in size and in frontal appearance to the ACM-16AT. Up to
three of these expander modules can be supported by an
ACM-16AT, for a maximum of 64 system points. 8.375" (21.27
cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide.
NOTE: The AEM-16ATcannot be used to expand the ACM-32A.
ACM-32A: The Annunciator Control Module-32A contains 32
red Alarm LEDs, a System Trouble LED, an On-Line/Power
LED, and a local piezo sounder with a Silence/Acknowledge
switch for audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions.
Includes instructions. 8.375" (21.27 cm) high; 4.375" (11.11
cm) wide.
AEM-32A: The Annunciator Expander Module-32A expands
the ACM-32A by 32 system points. The AEM-32A is identical
in frontal appearance to the ACM-32A. One expander module
can be supported by an ACM-32A, providing a maximum of 64
points. 8.375" (21.27 cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide.
NOTE: The AEM-32A cannot be used to expand the ACM--16AT.
ABS-1B: (see figure) The Annunciator Surface Box-1B pro-
vides for the remote mounting of one annunciator module in a
surface-mount enclosure. Knockouts are provided for use with
1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The annunciator mounts directly to the
ABS-1B without a dress plate. 8.5" (21.59 cm) high x 4.5"
(11.43 cm) wide x 2" (5.08 cm) deep.
ABS-1TB: The ABS-1TB is an attractive surface-mount back-
box for mounting one ACS Series Annunciator. 9.938" (25.16
cm) high x 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide x 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep.
ABS-2B: The Annunciator Surface Box-2B provides for the
surface mounting of one ACM-16AT/AEM-16AT combination or
one ACM-32A/AEM-32A combination. Knockouts are provided
for use with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The annunciators mount
directly to the ABS-2B without a dress plate. 8.5" (21.59 cm)
high x 8.92" (22.66 cm) x 2" (5.08 cm) deep.
ABF-1B: (see figure) The Annunciator Flush Box-1B provides
for the remote mounting of a single annunciator module in a
flush-mount enclosure. Knockouts are provided for use with 1/
2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The ABF-1B includes a painted metal
trim plate [11" (27.94 cm) high x 6.25" (15.875 cm) wide],
mounting hardware, and an adhesive-backed annunciator
label for the dress plate. 9.938" (25.24 cm) high x 4.625"
(11.75 cm) x 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep.
ABF-2B: The Annunciator Flush Box-2B provides for the flush
mounting of two annunciator modules. Includes a painted
metal trim plate [11" (27.94 cm) high x 10.625" (26.99 cm)
wide] and adhesive-backed annunciator label. 9.938" (25.24
cm) high x 9.188" (23.34 cm) wide x 3.75" (9.525 cm) deep.
ABF-4B: (see figure) The Annunciator Flush Box-4B provides
for the remote mounting of one to four annunciator modules.
Knockouts are provided for use with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit.
The flush-mounted ABF-4B includes a painted metal trim plate
[11" (27.94 cm) high x 19.375" (49.21 cm) wide] and an annun-
ciator label. 9.938" (25.24 cm) high x 17.75" (45.09 cm) wide x
2.5" (6.35 cm) deep.