File management – Electrix Repeater User Manual

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I M P O R TA N T !

Never remove the Compact Flash Card while the light is on. No, it doesnÕt matter if it is
green yellow or red. Wait until the light is out to remove the card. If you do remove the
card while the light is on the data on the card could become corrupted and unreadable by

The Compact Flash Card (CFC) use the standard FAT (DOS-like) file system using the FAT16
standard. Current Type 1 CFC implementations peak out at 256MB. Repeater is designed to
take advantage of Type 1 CFC implementations with up to 512MB of storage.

When a CFC is inserted into Repeater, the unit checks it for formatting and readability. It then looks for a directory
called ÔElectrixÕ then one called ÔRepeaterÕ. If this directory exists, then this is the focus for all file operations. Within
the ÔRepeaterÕ directory, each loop will have its own directory labeled ÔLoopXXXÕ. Each loop folder contains up to nine
files: up to four .WAV files ÔTrack1.wavÕ that contain the contents of each track, and five proprietary files that contain
track and loop information TrackX.tdf and LoopInfo.ldf.

The LED above the CFC slot indicates the state of the Compact Flash Card as follows:

1. Off. Card inactive or no card is inserted. It is safe to remove the card.

2. Flashing Red. Card checks out as unformatted or unusable.

3. Flash Green Once. Card is Ok.

4. Constant Green. Data is being read by the card.

5. Constant Red. Card is actively writing. Do not remove.


C F C Pe r f o r m a n c e

All CFCÕs are not created equal. Some lack the bandwidth to keep up with Repeater. Cards that we have tested to
work with Repeater are Sandisk, Simple technologies, Kingmax and our own cards. We cannot guaranty that

Repeater will work with any other brands of CFC card. Before you buy a card make sure it is type 1 and that it is a
high bandwidth card. Check out our website for the latest information.

Formatting a CFC C a r d

When you insert an unformatted CFC into Repeater, the CFC indicator will
flash red in unison with Record button and the Display will read "

". Pressing the Record button will format the card, pressing stop will

cancel. While formatting, the record LEDs stay on and the CFC indicator
continues to flash. Once the operation is complete, the CFC indicator will light green for 1 second and then extin-
guish to show that the card is OK.

Force Fo r m a t t i n g

To force a CFC to be formatted, press and hold Stop while inserting the CFC. The display will read "


Press Record to format or any other button to cancel.

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Compact Flash Cards