AMETEK 7250 Digital Stick User Manual

Page 3

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There are currently two

different software protocol

versions available (7252

and 7255). In actuality, the

‘protocols’ are very similar.

The significant difference

is the amount of product

measurements transmitted

within the data string. A unique

start character is also sent at

the beginning of each data

string to identify the data string

type, or hence, the ‘protocol’.

Communication Parameters






data bits


start bits


stop bits


Data Format

The data string is in

ASCII format and the total

data string transmission time is roughly one (1)

second for the 7255 and three (3) seconds for the


Approximately 100ms after power up, a start

character (“=” for 7252, “<” for 7255) is transmitted

and the first product position is measured and

transmitted. Subsequent position measurements

and transmissions continue every 100ms until

the complete number of products has been

transmitted. One interface position is transmitted

immediately following the final product position.

All temperature data is then transmitted along

with a final 2-digit ASCII Checksum followed by

a Carriage Return character to end the string.

Note that a comma character (‘,’) is transmitted

between each position and temperature

measurement (see example below).

The probe will continue to take level and

temperature readings and the data string

transmission process continues repeatedly as

long as power is applied to the probe.

The data string length is protocol dependent (i.e.

269 bytes for 7252; 134 bytes for 7255). The data

string is comprised of a start character, product

levels (protocol dependent: 25 for 7252; 10 for

7255), 1 interface level, and 5 temperature sensor

levels followed by a 2-digit ASCII Checksum and a

carriage return character ().

For probes ordered with only 1 temperature

sensor (i.e. T1 or R1), the temperature reading

value of that one sensor is placed in all five

temperature data locations in the string.

NOTE: Data values outside the ranges specified

above indicate an error condition.

Data String




Start Character

(identifies protocol, type and quantity of

following data)

ppp.pppp: Product

(000.0000” to 600.0000”)



(000.0000” to 600.0000”)

(Note: Interface = 000.0000 if Stik is

ordered with only 1 float)



(-40.0ºC to +85.0ºC)


2 digit ASCII checksum

(see calculation process below)


End of data string - carriage return

A value of “999.9999” will be transmitted if there is

an error in the product or interface levels.

A value of “-99.9” will be transmitted if there is an

error in the temperature sensor level.

Fig. 1 Power Consumption