AMETEK 1500 Induction Style Relay User Manual

Page 6

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Conductive Liquids

With the exception of products such as oil, gasoline, animal

fats and other similar products, most liquids and some moist

bulk materials have suffi cient conductivity to use B/W level

detecting relays. The Series 1500 relay can be used on liquids

with resistance up to about 90,000 ohm-cm (conductivity to 11


For liquids with higher resistance the B/W Series 52 relay

described in Catalog Section 5200 must be used for applications

up to 12 megohms resistance. The vapor above some liquids

is considered an explosive hazard and in these cases the B/W

Series 53 relay with FM approved intrinsically safe sensing

circuit should be used. See Catalog Section 5300.

Liquids such as milk and beer, and some pharmaceutical products

will foam during processing. The liquid phase is always a better

conductor than the foam, and when the interface level is to be

detected, the relay sensitivity must be carefully selected and it

would be well to check the factory for our recommendation.

Copyright 2011 by AMETEK Automation & Process Technologies

6380 Brockway Road, Peck, MI 48466 Toll Free 800-635-0289

Phone 248-435-0700 Fax 248-435-8120

With nearly 50 years of experience B/W has compiled a history

of applications in most major industries around the world. If you

have questions regarding the proper relay selection, write us,

phone us, or send a sample for test. Chances are that we have

the answer for you.

Typical Liquids

The following recommendations are satisfactory for general

use, but because the conductivity of liquids varies greatly with

concentration, purity, temperature and other factors, some

applications may require a different selection. A number of

the products listed are produced as solids such as crystals or

powers, and our relay selection is based on the normally used

commercial solutions of these materials.






Liquid Description ........................Secondary Coil

Acetic Acid

- Up to 75% ....................................... 90 Volt

- 75 to 90% ........................................ 220 Volt

- Glacial ............................................. Use 5200-H Relay

Acetone .................................................. Use 5200-H, 5300 or 5400 Relay


- General ........................................... 40 or 90 Volt

- Anhydrous ....................................... Use 5200-H Relay

Alcohols .................................................. Use 5200-H, 5300 or 5400 Relay


- General ........................................... 40 or 90 Volt

- Anhydrous ....................................... Use 5200-H or 5400 Relay

Alum Solutions ....................................... 220 Volt

Aluminum Sulphate ................................ 90 Volt

Aluminum Hydroxide .............................. 90 Volt

Amino Acids ............................................ 90 Volt

Ammonia-Anhydrous Liquid ................... Use 5200-H Relay

Ammonium Chloride ............................... 40 Volt

Ammonium Hydroxide (Ammonia) ......... 220 Volt

Ammonium Nitrate .................................. Use 5300 or 5400 Relay

Ammonium Sulphate .............................. 220 Volt

Baby Foods ............................................ 90 Volt

Barium Chloride ...................................... 40 Volt

Barium Nitrate ........................................ 40 Volt

Beer ...................................................... 90 Volt

Black Liquor ............................................ 40 Volt

Blood ...................................................... 220 Volt


- Up to 10% ....................................... 220 Volt

- Greater than 10% ............................ 90 Volt

Boric Acid ............................................... 220 Volt

Bread Dough .......................................... 90 Volt

Buttermilk................................................ 24 or 40 Volt

Cadmium Chloride .................................. 40 Volt

Cake Batter ............................................ 220 Volt

Calcium Chloride .................................... 40 Volt

Calcium Hydroxide ................................. 220 Volt

Carbolic Acid

- Up to 90% ....................................... 220 Volt

- 90 to 100% ...................................... Use 5200-H or 5400 Relay

Catsup .................................................... 90 Volt

Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) ......... 40 Volt

Cement Slurry ........................................ 220 Volt

Chromic Acid .......................................... 40 Volt

Citric Acid................................................ 40 or 90 Volt

Coffee ..................................................... 90 Volt


- Ordinary Water ................................ 480 Volt

- D.I. Water ........................................ Use 5200-H Relay

Corn Syrup ............................................. 480 Volt

Corn - Cream Style ................................. 90 Volt

Ethylene Glycol ...................................... Use 5200-H or 5400 Relay

Ferric Chloride ........................................ 90 or 220 Volt

Ferrous Sulphate .................................... 220 Volt

Liquid Description ........................Secondary Coil

Formaldehyde ........................................ Use 5200-H Relay

Formic Acid

- Up to 75% ....................................... 90 Volt

- 75 to 90% ........................................ 220 Volt

Glycerine (Glycerol) ................................ Use 5200-H Relay

Hydrochloric Acid .................................... 40 Volt

Hydrofl uoric Acid

- Up to 20% ....................................... 220 Volt

- Above 20% ...................................... 40 Volt

Hydrofl uorsilicic Acid .............................. 90 Volt

Hydrogen Peroxide ................................. Use 5200-H, 5300 or 5510 Relay

Jams & Jellies ........................................ 360 Volt

Juices - Fruit & Vegetable ...................... 40 or 90 Volt

Lemon Oil Essence ................................ Use 5200-H Relay

Lignite ..................................................... 800 Volt

Lithium Chloride ..................................... 40 Volt

Magnesium Hydroxide ............................ 90 Volt

Mayonnaise ............................................ 220 Volt

Methanol ................................................. Use 5200-H or 5300 Relay

Methyl Ethyl Keystone (MEK) ................. Use 5200-H Relay

Milk ......................................................... 40 Volt

Molasses ................................................ 220 Volt

Muriatic Acid ........................................... 40 Volt

Mustard .................................................. 40 Volt

Nitric Acid................................................ 40 or 90 Volt

Orange Juice .......................................... 90 Volt

Paper Stock ............................................ 220 Volt

Penicillin ................................................. 220 Volt

Phosphoric Acid ...................................... 40 Volt

Plating Solutions ..................................... 40 or 90 Volt

Salts - Chemical ..................................... 40 or 90 Volt

Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash) ............... 90 Volt

Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) .................. 40 Volt

Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) ......... 40 Volt

Sodium Hypochlorate ............................. 40 Volt

Sodium Silicate (Water Glass) ................ 90 Volt

Soups ..................................................... 40 Volt

Starch Solutions ..................................... 220 Volt


- Low Concentrations ........................ 220 Volt

- High Concentrations ........................ 360 Volt

Sulphuric Acid ......................................... 40 Volt

Vinegar ................................................... 90 Volt


- Sea .................................................. 40 Volt

- Ordinary Potable ............................. 220 Volt

- Ordinary Soft ................................... 360 Volt

- Ordinary Condensate ...................... 480 Volt

- Purifi ed Distilled .............................. 800 Volt or 5200-H Relay

- Purifi ed Deionized ........................... Use 5200-H Relay

Zinc Chloride .......................................... 40 Volt


