Locating the new water heater, Facts to consider about the location – State PR6 40 NHDST2 User Manual
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Facts to Consider About the
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the
water heater in a new location, the following critical
points must be observed.
This manufactured home gas-fired water heater is for use
in a manufactured home. You should carefully choose an
indoor location for the new water heater, because the
placement is a very important consideration for the safety
of the occupants in the building and for the most eco-
nomical use of the appliance. This water heater is for use
only in a manufactured home and not intended for out-
door installation.
This water heater has been designed and certified as a
direct vent (sealed combustion) unit and no draft diverter
is to be used.
The new water heater can have 0
″ minimum clearance at
side and back walls. If the water heater is to be enclosed,
a 4 inch clearance is required between the front of the
jacket and the door of the enclosure.
The combustion and ventilation air flow must not be
Combustion air must be supplied from outside the manu-
factured home by way of the furnished 3 inch diameter
(30 & 40 Gal.) or 4 inch diameter (50 Gal.) air intake duct
assembly. A 3
inch diameter (30 & 40 Gal.) or 4
diameter (50 Gal.) floor opening below the water heater is
required to accommodate the air intake duct assembly.
Weight of the water heater on duct gasket seals the water
heater to air intake duct assembly.
When a manufactured home is skirted, an air intake
opening with a minimum free area of 32 square inches
must be provided in the skirt. If the opening is covered by
louvers or screen, the total free area must be 32 square
inches. Other gas fired appliances in the home will
require additional free air openings; consult these manu-
facturers for correct sizing.
Locating the New Water Heater
The water heater should be secured to the floor and to the
wall of the enclosure with the mounting brackets provid-
ed. For bracket location refer to “Securing Water Heater
to Floor and Wall” in the “Installing the New Water
Heater” section.
If the manufactured home is installed over a basement or
crawlspace, combustion air must be supplied from out-
side the manufactured home. The combustion air intake
piping can be 3
″ PVC for 30 and 40 gallon models and 4″
PVC for 50 gallon models. The air intake piping cannot
exceed a total of 30 feet including vertical and horizontal
runs and have no more than 3 elbows. All horizontal runs
require adequate support at 3
feet intervals.
″ MIN.
″ PVC PIPING - 30 & 40 Gal.
″ PVC PIPING - 50 Gal.
Minimum clearances between the water heater and com-
bustible and noncombustible construction are 0
″″ from sides,
″″ from back, 4″″ from front of jacket to closet door and 27″″
from top of jacket to combustible material. Minimum vent
clearance: 6
″″. Provide 24″″ front clearance for servicing and
adequate clearance between the jacket top & ceiling for ser-
vicing the flue area.