How to find your position with a sextant, How to read the vernier – DAVIS Mark 3 Sextant User Manual

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This booklet has been written as an introduction to your new Davis sextant. By

studying its pages, you will learn how to operate your sextant, how to find the alti-

tude of the sun, and how to use your readings to calculate location. The meridian

transit method of navigation described is both easily learned and simply

applied. When you finish reading, the mystery surrounding celestial navigation

and sextant use should disappear. Before becoming an accomplished navigator,

however, you will need to study those aspects of navigation which are beyond the

scope of this booklet.


There are two scales on the sextant. The scale on the frame is called the “arc,”

while the scale on the index arm is the “vernier.” Each division of the arc equals

one degree. Each division of the vernier equals two minutes (2'). To read the num-

ber of degrees, find the lines on the arc which are closest to the zero mark on the

vernier. The zero mark is usually somewhere between two lines. The correct arc

reading is always that of the lower value, i.e., the line to the right of the zero mark.

To read fractions of a degree, find the division of the vernier which is in alignment

with a division of the arc.

To get a clear picture of how this works, set the zero on the vernier exactly

beneath any whole degree mark on the arc—let’s say 30°. Now move the index

arm very slightly to the left until the first vernier mark to the right of the zero lines

up exactly with a mark on the arc. Since the marks on the vernier are 2' apart,

you have actually moved the index arm 2' beyond 30°; your sextant reads 30° 02'.

Now, move the index arm slightly further to the left so that the next division of the

vernier comes into alignment with a division of the arc. Your sextant now reads

30° 04' (Fig. 1).

As you continue moving the index arm, successive divisions of the vernier will

come into alignment with a division of the arc. When the last mark on the vernier

(60') is in alignment with a division of the arc, the sextant will read 31°. In figure 2

below, the sextant reads 43° 26'.

Figure 2

Figure 1