DAVIS Chart Holder User Manual
Lifetime warranty

You may wish to shorten your Chart Holder to suit a specific purpose.
Following these steps will ensure
that the shortened container is
as water-tight and air-tight as the
original Chart Holder.
• Use a sharp utility knife to cut
off the tube at the desired
length. Push the point of the
knife all the way through the
plastic, then move the blade in
a saw-like motion. Turn the
tube until you have cut clear
around it. Any jaggedness of
your cut will be remedied in the
next step.
• Squeeze the tube at the cut
end to flatten it into a narrow
oval. Use scissors to trim along
the oval, making it smooth and
Be careful when using
sharp objects.
The Davis Chart Holder storage container is virtually UNBREAKABLE.
Davis Instruments provides a lifetime guarantee should breakage occur
during normal use. For full replacement, return the broken unit to the
address below, shipping prepaid.
The Davis Chart Holder can crease or fold and still retain its watertight
integrity. Only tears or breakage are grounds for replacement under this
Davis Instruments limits liability to the replacement of this product. No
liability is accepted for consequential damages or injury resulting from use
of the product.
3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545 U.S.A.
Phone (510) 732-9229 • Fax (510) 732-9188
[email protected] www.davisnet.com
086_Inst.pdf October 2005
The Davis Chart Holder all-purpose
storage container is durable, weatherproof,
and it floats. Ideal for charts, documents, prints,
papers, fishing rods, spare parts.
40" long x 3" diameter (1.0 m x 7.5 cm). Made of clear, unbreakable
polycarbonate for total protection and long life… guaranteed. Tubes
are large enough for most marine charts, yet stow easily. Special
identification label provided for quick cataloging of contents. Molded
end caps ensure maximum security.