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Note: Regular Cable Buddy (#420) shown. Cable Buddy

II (#421) allows installation of Cable Buddy nuts on

boats with twin steering cables.

1. Remove linkage nut, disconnect steering arm from

steering rod.

2. Remove coupler nut, slide steering cable out of tilt

tube. Note: some late model, low profile boats require

complete rotation of the motor on its mounts in order to

remove the cable.

3. Thoroughly clean the steering rod/cable and tilt tube.

4. Remove tilt tube nut from tilt tube.

5. Remove nylon plug from Cable Buddy nut and set it

aside. Thread Cable Buddy nut onto the tilt tube. Tighten

with light pressure. The hole in the side of Cable Buddy

should be turned so it is easily accessible for drilling

and oiling. You should have at least 1/2" (13 mm) of

threads exposed on the tilt tube after Cable Buddy is in

place. If not, back off the tilt tube locking nut (at other

end of tilt tube) to allow tube to shift toward coupler end.

6. Place a drill bit of approximately 1/8" (3 mm) diame-

ter through the Cable Buddy plug hole. Drill through the

tilt tube. Remove any shavings.

7. Place Cable Buddy's flat nylon washer inside the

coupler nut over the end of the steering cable.

Reassemble cable and steering coupling. Screw in

Cable Buddy's nylon plug.