Ascaso Factory ESPRESSO COFFEE GRINDER User Manual

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Assemble the coffee bean hopper

o n

its position.

Fill it with cof fee beans in such an
amount as to be consumed on a daily

basis. Put the hopper lid

on its


Connect the power cord

to the

Push the ON-OFF switch

to turn the

machine on. The built-in led will be on.
The grinder will then be ready for


Both models feature a timer device that
allows the operator to adjust in advance

the grinding time (a minimum of 8
seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds)

by using re g u l a t o r

. Ever y time gro u n d

c o ffee is re q u i red, the machine filter

holder must be placed under the cof fee
spout and guided by the switch

holder fork

, pressing the switch


Tu rning the timer re g u l a t o r

c l o c k w i s e

will result in an increase of grinding time,
w h e reas turning it counterc l o c k w i s e

decreases grinding time.(FIG.1)

We recommend that grinding time must
be set for a production equivalent to 7g

/ 0.25 oz of coffee: between 20 and 25
seconds. Check the adjustment, which

may vary depending on type of coffee
and grinding discs wear.

Once the dose is on the filter holder,

p ress the coffee by using a manual
tamper for brewing your espresso.

I.1D / I.2D Models operation

Connect the power cord

to the


Push the ON-OFF switch

to turn the

machine on. The built-in led will be on

and the grinder will then star t grinding
coffee, which will be stored at the dose



Push the ON-OFF switch

to turn the

machine off and stop grinding cof fee.

For having the ground coffee dose

dispensed, the machine filter holder
must be placed on the suppor t fork


Pull the dose dispenser lever to get a
c o f fee dose (7-8 g / 0.25-0.28 oz)

allowing the lever to return to its former
position by itself.

Once the dose is on the filter holder,

p ress the coffee by using a manual
tamper for brewing your espresso..

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1 2




1 0







I.1 / I.2 Models operation

3. Grinding point and regulation

The grinding point (coarser or finer) will

depend on the coffee blend quality used,
its roasting point, humidity (the more

humid the conditions are the coarser
the grinding point must be) and cof fee

machine conditions.

Therefore, it is necessar y to adjust the
grinding point periodically (on a daily

basis). To do that we must use the
grinding re g u l a t o r

located on the

upper right side of the machine. If we
t u rn the regulator for w a rd (clockwise)

we will obtain a finer grinding, whereas
t u rning it backwards (counterc l o c k w i s e )

will result in a coarser grinding

The grinding point is factor y adjusted
for a medium grinding point. It is

therefore necessar y to proceed with a
p re l i m i n a r y grinding adjustment to

achieve the best grinding quality.

It is recommended that you check the
e s p resso coffee result on the cup and its

taste, taking into consideration that an
excessively coarse regulation results in

lighter cof fees (watered) with neither
a roma

nor cream,



excessively fine regulation results in
s h o rt shots, strong and dense in excess.



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