Installation instructions – Ridetech 11221099 User Manual

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Installation Instructions

******Must be used w/ RideTech shock kit******

1. Raise the vehicle to a safe and comfortable working height with the suspension hanging
2. Remove the coil spring and shock absorbers. Refer to the factory service manual for
proper disassembly procedures.

3. Apply thread sealant to the air fitting
and screw it into the top of the air spring.

4. Place the upper cup bracket on top of
the air spring and fasten with two 3/8”
nylok nuts and flat washers. Thread the
7/16 stud into the nut in the bottom of the

5. Place the lower air spring bracket on
the lower control arm, the large hole in the
bracket will align with the sway bar hole on
the lower arm.

6. The inner two holes must be drilled with
a 3/8” bit. Fasten with two 3/8 bolts, Nylok
nuts and flat washers.

7. Place the air spring assembly into the
coil spring pocket with the stud sticking
through the factory shock hole in the

8. Mark the outside of the coil spring
pocket where the air spring rubs.
Remove the air spring and trim the pocket,
a die grind with a cutoff wheel works well.

9. Reinstall the air spring assembly (the
air line can be routed at this time) and
secure with a 7/16” Nylok nut and flat
washer on top of the frame.