Ridetech 12121099 User Manual

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Installation Instructions

1. Raise the vehicle to a safe and comfortable working height, with the suspension

hanging freely.

2. Following the factory service manual instructions, remove the coil springs from the car.

3. Place the lower air spring plate on
top of the lower control arm. They are
labeled D for driver and P for

4. The plate will be located by the
sway bar end link hole in the lower
control arm. The other three holes
must be drilled with a 3/8” bit and
fastened with 3/8” x 1 ¼” bolts, Nylok
nuts and flat washers.

5. Apply thread sealant to the a 90
degree air fitting and screw it into the
top of the air spring.

6. Place the upper cup bracket on top
of the air spring and secure with two
3/8” Nylok nuts and flat washers.

7. Cut 1” off of the 7/16” all thread
then screw it into the nut in the bottom
of the upper cup bracket.