Ridetech 13006799 User Manual
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Dodge 1 ton AirBar installation
1. Raise and support rear of truck at a comfortable and safe working height.
Support truck with jackstands under the frame slightly ahead of the front leafspring hangars. You
will need another set of stands to support the axle housing.
2. Remove the passenger side leafspring assembly. By installing one side of the AirBar at a time,
you won’t have to chase the axle housing all over the shop!
3. Remove the overload leaf contact bracket from the framerail. The upper Airbar bracket will bolt
on in its place. You may have to drill additional
holes to complete the installation of this bracket.
4. Install the upper and lower axle bracket assemblies onto the axle housing. Note that there is a
difference between the drivers side and the passenger side lower axle brackets. When
installed properly, the lower axle brackets will place the airspring inboard slightly. The upper
axle brackets are the same from side to side.
5. Install the upper and lower bars into their respective mounts. Make sure that the bars are
EXACTLY the same length from side to side. Note that the front of the lower bar will reuse the
oem leafspring through bolt.
6. Repeat assembly procedure for the drivers side