Ridetech 13056799 User Manual
Page 4

10. Install panhard bar into axle bracket and upper crossmember bracket. Adjust panhard bar length
to center the axle to the framerails.
12. Install airsprings into upper and lower airspring brackets. Be sure to use the flat round base plate
underneath the airsprings. This is to support and prevent damage to the airspring.
13. Run the airlines and inflate to check for leaks. You will need approx. 60-75 psi of air pressure to
start tuning for best ride quality. The best ride quality will occur when the airspring is inflated to
approx. 9” tall.
NOTE: Sway bar end links were cut down to 3 ¼” center to center measurement
RIGHT: Driver side of upper crossmember
BELOW: Passenger side of upper crossmember
11. Install shock into lower shock bracket.
Install upper bracket onto top of shock.
Swivel up into position with the upper
mount against the OEM crossmember and
mark for drilling mounting hole. [See
picture below] NOTE: Make sure the axle
assembly is at ride height and centered to
framerails before marking upper shock
mount location.