Quick Fuel Technology Methanol Main Body to E85 Calibration User Manual

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and metering block separate from the main body turn over the assembly
and attempt to pry the metering block away from the fuel bowl, using the
accelerator pump housing as an anchor and press outward on the
accelerator pump boss on the bottom of the metering block (where the
aluminum plug is located).

7. Now remove the throttle body from the main body, using a number 2

phillips head or larger screw driver.

8. Prepare the metering block and fuel bowl for reassembly by removing all

gasket material. Although with “sticky” type this is a difficult and time
consuming process, optimum performance can only be achieved with
clean sealing surfaces. Softening the gasket material with a quality
carburetor cleaner is an effect way to dislodge the gasket and sealant.

9. Reassembly begins with reinstalling the throttle body. If your throttle

body has two locator dowel pins, install the provided gasket on the
throttle body. If your throttle body does not have locator pins, with the
carburetor upside down, position the gasket to line up with the bolt holes.

10. Insert the six retaining screws (yes, there are only six not eight, the two

center screws are not used) and tighten in a criss-cross pattern. Target
torque specification is 30 inch pounds (2.5 ft. pounds) with a minimum
torque value of 20 inch pounds (1.7 ft. pounds)

11. Install the new metering block and fuel bowl gaskets on the metering

block(s). These gaskets should align with the cast-in pins. NOTE: for
vacuum secondary carburetors, install the metering block gasket
provided (the one without the large cut out in the center) insert the small
paper gasket between your old metering plate and the new steel
reinforcement plate provided. Position this assembly on the new
carburetor main body so the alignment pins enable the metering plate
assembly to fit flush to the main body gasket. Insert the six clutch head
screws and tighten in a criss-cross pattern to the target torque value of 18
inch pounds (1.5 ft. lbs.)

12. On the primary side, position the metering block on the new main body

so the alignment pins allow it to sit flush. With the accelerator pump arm
in the upright position, install the fuel bowl. Note: be sure the accelerator
pump arm is positioned on top of the fuel bowl accelerator pump
operating lever. It may be necessary to slightly rotate the fuel bowl
clockwise to put the fuel bowl on. Once in position, install the new nylon
fuel bowl gaskets provided (be sure to remove all of the old gasket) and
insert the fuel bowl screws. Tighten in a criss-cross pattern to a target
torque value of 30 inch pounds (2.5 ft. lbs.). It is important these screw
be tight as poor idle and off-idle performance will result.