Quick Fuel Technology Carburetor Main Body User Manual
Quick Fuel Technology For the car

Carburetor Main Body Installation Instructions
To properly install your new carburetor main body please follow these
simple step-by-step instructions. Please use proper safety precautions when
handling gasoline.
1. After removing the carburetor from the engine, drain all gasoline from
the fuel bowls. This can be accomplished by removing one of the lower
fuel bowl screws and allowing the fuel to drain into an approved
container. With a funnel, turn the carburetor upside down; activate the
throttle several times to drain the fuel out of the accelerator pump
2. Before proceeding any further, you should check to be certain that your
new carburetor main body will fit your carburetor. With your carburetor
upside down, measure the diameter of the venturi at its lowest point
(where it attaches to the throttle body). This measurement should be
equal to that of your existing throttle body, i.e. 1.69” or 1.75”
3. Once the fuel bowl has been emptied, you can now remove the remaining
three fuel bowl screws.
4. With the fuel bowl screws removed attempt to separate the fuel bowl,
metering block from the main body. If these components cannot be
removed by hand it is likely your carburetor has been assembled with
“sticky” adhesive coated gaskets. NOTE: vacuum secondary carburetors
will have a secondary metering plate. The six retaining screws can be
removed with a #3 Clutch Head screwdriver.
5. Separating these components can be somewhat difficult but not
impossible. With a soft-faced hammer, tap repeatedly on the sides of the
fuel bowl and metering block in an effort to break the gasket seal. If this
method proves to be unsuccessful it will then become necessary to pry
the components apart. This is a last resort, when all other methods fail.
Wedge a large blade, common tip screwdriver between the air cleaner
ring and the center the metering block. With a gentle rocking motion,
push the metering block away from the main body. Once the fuel bowl
and metering block separate from the main body turn over the assembly
and attempt to pry the metering block away from the fuel bowl, using the
accelerator pump housing as an anchor and press outward on the