Quick Fuel Technology 34-133 Billet Secondary Metering Block Conversion Kit User Manual

Quick Fuel Technology For the car

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Installation Instructions

34-133 Billet Secondary Metering Block Conversion Kit

Congratulations on purchasing a Quick Fuel Technology® billet secondary metering block conversion kit
to replace your original metering plate equipped carburetor equipped with center pivot or dual feed fuel

Installation is fairly simple however there are a few special steps that need be taken to be certain the
installation goes smoothly.

1. Remove the secondary fuel bowl screws.
2. Carefully remove the secondary fuel bowl. This may be somewhat difficult if your original

gaskets have a a glue embedded coating. Use of a rubber or soft faced hammer may help loosen
the bowl to aid removal.

3. With the fuel bowl removed, remove the secondary metering plate using a # 3 clutch head driver

to remove the six retaining screws. Note the number stamped in the middle of the plate.

4. After removing the metering plate, remove all remaining gasket material from the main body and

fuel bowl.

5. Using the cross reference provided find your plate number then cross it over to the appropriate jet


6. Install the jets, fuel bowl and metering block gaskets. You may want to consider adding

secondary jet extensions and a notch secondary float if you plan frequent trips to the drag strip.
QFT® offers a complete kit part no. 16-102

7. Install the nylon gaskets on the new fuel bowl screws.
8. With the secondary side of the carburetor upright, position the metering block so the alignment

pins fall into the recesses in the main body, then the metering block will fit flush to the main body.

9. Insert the new longer fuel bowl screws and nylon gaskets provided into the secondary fuel bowl

and metering block. Hand tighten the fuel bowl screws initially then tighten in a criss-cross
pattern with a 5/16” nut driver. The target torque specification is 35 inch pounds (approximately 3
foot pounds).

10. You are now ready to try out your new billet secondary metering block.

The emulsion holes, the three threaded holes in each of the serpentine slots do not have any restrictions
intentionally. The emulsion holes are pre-calibrated and drilled in to the bottom of the well. These pre-
calibrated emulsion holes are adequate for the majority of applications.

In the future should you wish to make the emulsion feature adjustable it is possible to do so by drilling the
bottom of all six wells to approximately .050” or 3/64”. Remove the main jets and power valve before
drilling. Be careful to only drill deep enough to break into the main well. After you have successfully
drilled all six holes (three per side), use a quality carburetor cleaner, spray in to the top angle channel
(booster discharge port) to dislodge any metal shavings from the drilling process, then use compressed air
blow out the main well again from the top (booster discharge port) down. The recommended starting point
is with all three emulsion holes being .028”.

Service and calibration parts can be ordered through your performance parts distributor or directly from
Quick Fuel Technology®, 129 Dishman Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42101,1-270-793-0900. Thank you
for purchasing this performance product from Quick Fuel Technology®.

© Quick Fuel Technology ® 2004