Manley VOXBOX - MVBXA 4/2003 User Manual
Page 11

On a light note, the bit on the back panel
“An EveAnna Manley Production”. EveAnna spearheaded this project
and invited input from some of our favorite dealers and customers for this
unit. She also fed her parameters to the engineers, supervised all aspects
of the design and created the cool front panel. She produced and directed
this one.
“Inspired by David Manley”- David’s well proven design phi-
losophies, techniques and style were used throughout. He wrote
the book.
“Engineered by Craig Hutchison”.Hutch contributed the new com-
pressor and de-esser designs, new EQ frequencies and a few other
electronic bits. You can blame him for this crazy manual.
“Mastered by Baltazar Hernandez”.Balta handled the mechanical
designs, printed circuit board designs and cleaned up
all of our little pieces and put them neatly together.
Auto-mute and HV regulators - Richard Schroeder
Transformers and inductors - Michael Hunter
Printed circuits - Elias Guzman
Metal machining - Miguel Tovar
Assembly supervised by - Marcelino Tornez
O. LINK COMPRESSOR: This RCA is used for connecting to a second VOXBOX. The signal on this con-
nector is a changing DC voltage from the compressor section. It is both an input and an output. You can link
the second VOXBOX with any typical hi-fi RCA interconnect as long as it is not longer than 6 feet.
P. LINK DE-ESSER: This RCA is used for connecting to a second VOX BOX. You can link the second
VOXBOX with any typical hi-fi interconnect and a stereo interconnect can be used to do both the compres-
sor link and de-esser link. The signal on this connector is low level audio from the de-esser section. It is both
an input and output. As an output the signal is after the band-pass filter and threshold control used to sense
the “esses”. Audio fed into this jack may drive the de-esser opto but the threshold control will not be usable
and generally it will kill the normal de-esser path.
Q. SERIAL NUMBER: Write this down somewhere - like the warranty registration near the back page of
the manual. You need it if the unit is “lost” and we need it for repairs to happen.