EOTech Holographic Hybrid Sight I EXPS3-4 with G33.STS Magnifier User Manual
Page 29

Corrective Action 1: Lower the brightness level of the reticle. This fault is generally
caused by the reticle brightness being too high. The reticle is not designed to be so
bright as to block the target.
Corrective Action 2: The reticle is projected onto your target plane. You must focus on
it like you would any other object at that distance. Do NOT focus on the sight housing,
rather, focus on your target. The outer ring is designed to be a reference to center,
similar to a ghost ring.
Corrective Action 3: If you wear corrective lenses for nearsightedness, you will require them,
not reading glasses, to see the reticle in focus, as it is projected onto the target plane. If you
wear bifocals or have astigmatism, you may see a distorted reticle.
Corrective Action 4: Check with others who have used the sight, and compare what
you see to ensure it is not your focal acuity prior to turning the sight in for repair.
Corrective Action 5: Turn the sight in for unit level maintenance.
Failure: The reticle is flashing/ flashing on and off/ unit turns off during recoil:
Corrective Action 1: This is the low battery indicator. Replace the battery.
- EXPS3 EXPS3 Holographic Weapon Sight (Black, Ring/Double Dot Reticle) Model EXPS2 Holographic Weapon Sight (Red Circle-Dot Reticle) Model EXPS2 Holographic Weapon Sight (Green Circle-Dot Reticle) Model XPS2 Holographic Weapon Sight (Ring with Single Red Dot Reticle, Gray) XPS2-Z XPS3 XPS2 300 Blackout Holographic Hybrid Sight II EXPS2-2 with G33.STS Magnifier EXPS2