EOTech 512 XBOW User Manual
Xbow user manual supplement rev a jan. 2013

Congratulations on your recent purchase of the XBow model 512. The XBow model 512 is specifically designed for crossbow applications. This
supplement is to inform you on the unique reticle configuration and how to properly use it. To learn everything else about the sight, please refer
to the included User Manual.
The XBow model 512 offers four (4) ballistically compensated 1 MOA aiming dots (see fig. 1). These dots will provide
precise points of aim throughout the range of your crossbow. In addition to the aiming reticle, an Integral Range Finder
is included to assist in determining the distance between you and the deer. This range finder can provide distances from
20-60 yards in increments of 10 yards.
The unique properties of holography have made it possible to create optional range scaling data integral within the
heads-up display. The image of a pre-calculated ranging scale is projected out at the target plane and measures the back
to the belly of a mature whitetail deer (18”). Simply position the base of the scale on the belly (see Fig. 2) and read from
where the back intersects the scale – it’s that easy. With the integral ranging pattern, there is no unnecessary body move-
ment or added noise while on stand. Range information is displayed within the sight picture for when you are ready to
The top dot must be zeroed at 20 yards for the ballistic calculations to work. To do this, place a target out at 20 yards and
safely fire. Adjustments in Windage and Elevation can be made on the right side of the sight. Keep in mind, each click
represents 1/2 “ adjustment at 100 yards. Once the top dot is zeroed, locate the Ballistic Wheel included in the packag-
ing and align your crossbow speed (fps) with the opening of the window. This will indicate what each of the remaining dots will be zeroed to. To
confirm, move to those distances and safely fire. NOTE: Ballistics calculated using 349gr bolt and 100gr field tip. Different variations may
affect POI (point of impact).
Included in the packaging is a reticle sticker. Once you know your zero for each dot, simply write it down on the sticker and affix it to your cross-
bow limb for reference. Good luck!
Deer Range finder
(Ranged at 30yds
XBow User Manual Supplement
Rev A Jan. 2013
Fig. 1
Fig. 2