HP Intelligent Provisioning User Manual
Page 14

Using a standard text editor, create or modify the following additional Scripting Toolkit files
for the unattended installation:
Edit the STARTDEPLOY.CMD file, which is executed by STARTNET.CMD in Windows PE,
to modify the environment variables to match the locations of the utilities and data files
specific to your deployment infrastructure. You must customize this file for your environment.
In the following example, lines in bold type indicate information that must be modified
for your environment.
The STARTDEPLOY.CMD file is similar to the following:
rem @echo off
REM This is the first Script called from Startnet.cmd stub in
REM the WinPE
REM Make sure that the network is fully started...
REM Sometimes it requires a bit of time
REM Map a drive to the share you are working from
net use s: \\server\share password /user: server\username
REM If none ignore this step and set the drive letter in
REM the following statements to appropriate drive
set Tools=s:\tkdemoarea\HP\Tools
set MSTools=X:\i386\system32
set GlobalData=s:\tkdemoarea\HP\DeploymentScripts\datafiles
set MSDistribution=s:\tkdemoarea\w2k3entsp1
set HPQFlatFiles=s:\tkdemoarea\hpqflatfiles
set HPQComponents=s:\tkdemoarea\ntcsp
set SystemScripts=s:\tkdemoarea\HP\DeploymentScripts
net start sysmgmt
REM Call the first Script
call %SystemScripts%\ServerDetect.cmd
echo Done!
Modify the SERVERDETECT.CMD file for your specific environment. This file is provided
in the samples subdirectory. The SERVERDETECT.CMD file does not accept any arguments.
It runs the HPDISCOVERY utility to determine the server type, and then executes a typical
deployment script (DEPLOYSERVER.CMD).
REM @echo off
cd %tools%
%Tools%\System\hpdiscovery -f hpdiscovery.xml
%Tools%\System\ifhw hpdiscovery.xml %Tools%\System\allboards.xml HWQ:SystemName eq "ProLiant DL380
if errorlevel 1 goto NEXT1
call .\Typical.cmd
goto end
%Tools%\System\ifhw hpdiscovery.xml %Tools%\System\allboards.xml HWQ:SystemName eq "ProLiant ML370"
if errorlevel 1 goto NEXT2
call .\Typical.cmd
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