Disk drive sizes and types, Spare disks, Disk drive sizes and types spare disks – HP D3000 Disk Enclosures User Manual

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RAID method

Data redundancy

Best practices


characteristics over a wider range of
application workloads than RAID5.

but uses the most physical disk
uses about 100% more
physical disk space than
RAID0 and 70% more than

Striping and


RAID 50 tolerates one drive failure
in each spanned array without loss

RAID5 protects against failure
of one drive (and failure of


of data. RAID 50 requires less

particular multiple drives).

rebuild time than single RAID 5

RAID 50 is a nested RAID

arrays RAID 50 requires a minimum
of six drives.

method that uses RAID 0
striping across RAID 5 arrays.

Striping and


RAID6 is most useful when data loss
is unacceptable but cost is also an

RAID6+0 allows administrators
to split the RAID 6 storage


important factor. The probability that

across multiple external boxes.

data loss will occur when an array

RAID 60 requires a minimum

is configured with RAID6 is less than

of eight drives. RAID 60 is a

it would be if it was configured with

nested RAID method that uses

RAID5. However, write performance

RAID 0 block-level striping

is lower than RAID5 because of the
two sets of parity data.

across multiple RAID 6 arrays
with dual distributed parity.
With the inclusion of dual
parity, RAID 60 will tolerate
the failure of two disks in each
spanned array without loss of

Striping and


Organizations implementing a large
drive array should consider RAID 6

Allocates the equivalent of two
parity drives across multiple


because it can tolerate up to two

drives and allows simultaneous


simultaneous drive failures without
downtime or data loss.

write operations Distributed
Data Guarding (RAID 5):


Allocates parity data across
multiple drives and allows
simultaneous write operations.
Drive Mirroring (RAID 1 and
1+0 Striped Mirroring):
Allocates half of the drive array
to data and the other half to
mirrored data, providing two
copies of every file

Disk drive sizes and types

RAID arrays should be composed of disk drives of the same size and performance capability.
When drives are mixed within a disk enclosure, the usable capacity and the processing ability of
the entire storage subsystem is affected. For example, when a RAID array is composed of different
sized drives, the RAID array defaults to the smallest individual drive size, and capacity in the larger
drives goes unused.

Spare disks

Spares are disks that are not active members of any particular array, but have been configured
to be used when a disk in one of the arrays fails. If a spare is present, it will immediately be used
to begin rebuilding the information that was on the failed disk, using parity information from the
other member disks. During the rebuilding process, the array is operating in a reduced state and,
unless it is a RAID6 or RAID1+0 array, it cannot tolerate another disk failure in the same array. If
another disk fails at this time, the array becomes inaccessible and information stored there must
be restored from backup.

Preliminary tasks