HP CD-Writer Plus Internal 9200i Drive User Manual

Page 21

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Recovering Your Data


2. Replace any damaged hard-drives with comparable drives.

In order to recover all of your information, HP Disaster Recovery must
have at least as much hard disk space as existed before the drive failure.

3. Insert the Windows Startup Disk (diskette #1 of the DR Set) into the 3.5”

floppy drive from which your computer boots, and restart your

A DOS screen appears.

4. If a Windows Startup Diskette #2 was created (not all systems require the

creation of this diskette), insert Diskette #2 into the 3.5” floppy drive
from which your computer will boot.

5. At the prompt, type


then press Enter.

The README.TXT appears.

6. After reading the text, press Alt




then press

X to exit the editor.

It may be necessary to prepare your hard disk using the following tools
which are located on the Disaster Recovery Diskette:

FDISK—Re-partitions your hard disk

FORMAT—Formats one or more partitioned drives

SYS—Installs the system boot files onto the hard disk

NOTE: For instructions on the use of these utilities, please refer to your
operating system user manual or contact Microsoft.

7. At the prompt, type



press Enter. Your DR files will

be copied from the diskette to your hard-drive.

The following message should appear:

Please insert Disaster Recovery CD #1 into your

HP CD-Writer Plus.

8. Insert Disaster Recovery CD #1 into your HP CD-Writer Plus drive, then

press Enter.

NOTE: If your Disaster Recovery Set consists of more than one CD, you will be
prompted to insert each of the CDs in the order they were created.

The following message should appear: