HP CD52 External CD-Writer Series User Manual

Page 63

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NeroVision Express 2

Create your first movie


Step 2: Select the required export template by clicking on the drop down button
and highlighting the required template. This template can also be further
customized by clicking on the ‘Configure’ button.

Selecting the template

The following change according to the template selected:

Output format (MPEG-1 /MPEG-2/ AVI)

Video (PAL / NTSC)

Aspect ratio (4 : 3 / user defined)

Frame size (720 x 567 pixels / 480 x 567 pixels / 120 x 90 pixels / user defined)

Choosing the ‘Custom’ template gives you the most customization options. This
allows you to select the video and audio compressor in addition to the
aforementioned options. The ‘Configure’ button is however not available in this