AMX MAX-CSE User Manual
Page 36

MAX-CSE Web Interface
MAX-CSE/MAX-CSD10 Operation/Reference Guide
These profiles take effect on the MAX-CSE only after pressing the on-screen Apply button.
Stream Profiles Page Features (Cont.)
• Target Address
The IP Address of the target IP-capable device that will receive the encoded outgoing
media stream. This is the IP of the target device such as the VG-Series Modero panel,
MAX-CSD10, or computer which will display the stream.
• Target Address must be in IPv4 dot notation (ex: X.X.X.X).
• Default IP Address is: (a multicast address).
Obtaining the IP information for a target Modero:
1) Press the grey Front Setup Access button for 3 seconds to open the Setup page.
2) Press the Protected Setup button (located on the lower-left of the panel page) to
open the Protected Setup page and display an on-screen keypad.
3) Enter 1988 into the Keypad’s password field and press Done when finished.
4) Press the NetLinx Settings button to open the NetLinx Settings page and obtain IP
from the IP Settings section of this page.
Obtaining the IP information for a target PC:
1) On your PC, click Start > Run to open the Run dialog.
2) Enter cmd into the Open field and click OK to open the command DOS prompt.
3) From the C:\> command line, enter ipconfig to display the current IP Address of the
• Target Port (video)
The port on the destination device where the outgoing video stream is being directed to.
This value can be from 0001 - 9999 (default is 5000).
If using UDP as a Transport Protocol, this is also the port where the combined audio/
video stream is sent.
Note: If using RTP it is strongly recommended that this port number be an even value.
Using odd numbered port values will cause the stream to not be properly recognized
by the target Modero panel.
Note: It is recommended that the following ports not be used: 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, and
• Target Audio Port
The port on the destination device where the audio only portion of the stream is being
directed to. This value can be from 0001 - 9999 (default is 5002).
• If using UDP as a Transport Protocol, this field becomes greyed-out and unused since
the both the audio and video content is being combined into a single stream.
Note: If using RTP (split streams) it is strongly recommended that this port number be
an even value.
• If the target is a Modero VG-Series panel, the Target Audio Port field must always
increment the value of the Target video port by 2. Example: Target Port = 5000,
Target Audio Port = 5002.
SAP Settings:
In SAP mode, the user selects a video stream from a list. Once selected the decoder
will automatically connect to the stream server and begin decoding.
• SAP Mode
Use these radio button to enable/disable SAP mode (default = enabled).
• IP Configuration
Select an IP Configuration from the drop-down menu (Default or Other). By default,
Default is selected (the default multicast IP address will be used). Note that if you select
Other, the following two additional fields are enabled:
• Alternate IP Address Enter the alternative Multicast IP address that will be used to send the SAP packets.
(Only available if Other is selected as the IP Configuration for SAP Mode).
• Alternate IP Port
Enter the alternative Multicast IP port that will be used to send the SAP packets.
(Only available if Other is selected as the IP Configuration for SAP Mode).
The UDP Transport Protocol only supports the use of the MPEG-2 codec, whereas
the RTP Transport Protocol can support using both MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 codecs.