Administration page – AMX MAX-CSE User Manual
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MAX-CSE Web Interface
MAX-CSE/MAX-CSD10 Operation/Reference Guide
Administration Page
The Administration page (FIG. 14) is the first page displayed in the Active frame after a successful login.
It can also be accessed by clicking on the Admin button in the Navigation Bar.
This page displays an overview of the MAX firmware and project information. Also provides the user
with the ability to both start/stop the outgoing A/V stream from the CSE and directly upload firmware to
the target MAX unit without having to use NetLinx Studio.
The following table lists the features on the Administration page, that an administrator or other
authorized user can configure.
FIG. 14
Administration page
Administration Page
Displays the version of the currently installed product firmware in a major.minor.micro
format. This field is read-only.
Note: The displayed firmware is the same as version displayed adjacent to the MAX
entry within NetLinx Studio’s Online Tree tab.
Program Description: This section allows the user/administrator to enter descriptions for the currently
streamed content.
• Program Name
A unique title associated to the currently streamed media. This title should be some-
thing recognizable to both the administrator and the target audience.
• This string must be 1 - 20 alpha-numeric characters.
• Example: Computer Course.
• Program Description A unique description of the currently streamed content. This should be a brief descrip-
tion of the specific content. Do not confuse this entry with a media category.
• This string must be 1 - 31 alpha-numeric characters.
• Example: Session 1 - Internet.