Checking the environment, Checking the state of the monitor and mapdb, Checking the state of the application programs – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 207: Checking for locks

Problem Resolution
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide—429952-014
CI Commands
Checking the Environment
To check the overall processing environment, use the CI command
the names of the current MapDB, SysDB, the Guardian OS release version, the
NonStop sever serial number of the system, and so on.
Checking the NonStop AutoTMF Software Configuration
You have options for processing of newly audited files. These options are configured
as NonStop AutoTMF software file attributes and program attributes or global
parameters. Some attributes can be specified with DEFINEs. If a prepared program
does not behave as expected, first check configuration parameters.
To list the values of system wide parameters, use the CI command
To change any global parameter, use
To list the NonStop AutoTMF software configuration for selected audited files
(SEPARATEX, COMMONTX, and so on), use
. To configure files,
To list the NonStop AutoTMF software configuration for selected programs, use
. To configure programs, use
To verify if a specific DEFINE has been added for a program, look at a trace of the
program’s execution. All active DEFINEs are listed in the output of the trace.
Checking the State of the Monitor and MapDB
The monitor process must be up at all times. To check on the status of the monitor, use
command to display the monitor’s vital statistics.
To look at the configuration of the MapDB, use the
Checking the State of the Application Programs
A program that has not been prepared will run without warnings until the program
accesses an audited file without having an active transaction. The operation will then
fail with an error 75. To verify that a program is properly prepared, use the
command. To display a list of unprepared programs, issue the command
on a file-set using the UNPREPARED option.
To find out who is using the runtime library, use the
command. This
command displays all the processes that have the library opened, including the CI from
which the command is issued.
Checking for Locks
Locking of audited files is different than locking of non-audited files. This could
introduce concurrency problems. To display the locks held for a file, a file set, or the