HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 160

NonStop AutoTMF Software Commands
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide—429952-014
a file pattern that describes a collection of application program files to be prepared.
AFTER filename
specifies the starting file for the operation. The first file unprepared is the one
that alphabetically follows the specified filename.
forces the unprepare of an object file that contains a mixture of prepared and
unprepared procedures and for which this operation will create duplicate
external references. The object file must then be recreated in Binder to resolve
the duplicates.
Duplicate conditions also occur when UNPREPARE is issued on a prepared
user library that has been bound with the NonStop AutoTMF software runtime
library. To unprepare a user library, do not use the UNPREPARE command;
replace the user library with its original unprepared version.
If ALLOWDUPLICATES is not specified and the CI detects this condition, the
CI displays an error and the file is not unprepared
LIBRARY alternate-library | NONE
specifies a file to set as the user library for the object files in the fileset.
If NONE is specified, the library pointer is removed from the object file.
If this option is not specified, the library is set as follows:
If a program points to one of ESCRUNTM, ESCRUNN, ESCRUNNT,
ESCRUNNM or ESCRUNNL, the library pointer is removed from the object
If the program points to a library other than ESCRUNTM, ESCRUNN,
NonStop AutoTMF software library is no longer bound into the user library.
If the NonStop AutoTMF software library is bound into the user library,
however, an error is displayed and the object file is not unprepared.
If the program is a TNS/E program using ESCRUNDL, ESCRUNDL is no
longer used as a DLL to the program.
specifies whether a TNS object (file code 100) is accelerated using OCA after
the object has been unprepared.
By default, UNPREPARE automatically processes a TNS object using OCA
whenever UNPREPARE invalidates the OCA region. If the program has no
OCA region, no extra processing is performed. This option overrides the
default behavior.