11 pin descriptions, 1 pin diagram and pin name abbreviations, Pin descriptions – AMD Athlon 27493 User Manual

Page 65: Pin diagram and pin, In chapter 10, In chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Pin Descriptions


26237C—May 2003

AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet

Preliminary Information


Pin Descriptions

This chapter includes pin diagrams of the organic pin grid array
(OPGA) for the AMD Athlon™ XP processor model 10, a listing
of pin name abbreviations, and a cross-referenced listing of pin
locations to signal names.


Pin Diagram and Pin Name Abbreviations

Figure 16 on page 54 shows the staggered Pin Grid Array (PGA)
for the AMD Athlon™ XP processor model 10. Because some of
t h e p i n n a m e s a re t o o l o n g t o f i t i n t h e g ri d , t h ey a re
abbreviated. Figure 17 on page 55 shows the bottomside view of
the array. Table 23 on page 56 lists all the pins in alphabetical
order by pin name, along with the abbreviation where

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