AMD Athlon 27493 User Manual

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Revision History


26237C—May 2003

AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet

Preliminary Information

Revision History




May 2003


Public revision C of the AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet includes the following

In Chapter 1, revised wording in the Overview.

Added Chapter 6, “Advanced 333 Front-Side Bus AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10
Specifications” on page 21, Table 1, “Electrical and Thermal Specifications for the Advanced 333
FSB AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10,” on page 21, T
able 2, “Advanced 333 FSB SYSCLK
and SYSCLK# AC Characteristics,” on page 22, Figure 8, “SYSCLK Waveform,” on page 22
Table 3, “Advanced 333 FSB AMD Athlon™ System Bus AC Characteristics,” on page 23, and
Table 4, “Advanced 333 FSB AMD Athlon™ System Bus DC Characteristics,” on page 24.

Added Chapter 7, “Advanced 400 Front-Side Bus AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10
ations” on page 25, Table 5, “Electrical and Thermal Specifications for the Advanced
400 FSB AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10,” on page 25, Table 6, “Advanced 400 FSB
SYSCLK and SYSCLK# AC Characteristics,” on page 26, Figure 9, “SYSCLK Waveform,” on page
26, Table 7, “Advanced 400 FSB AMD Athlon™ S
ystem Bus AC Characteristics,” on page 27, and
Table 8, “Advanced 400 FSB AMD Athlon™ System Bus DC Char
acteristics,” on page 28.

In Chapter 8, revised Table 11, “FID[3:0] DC Characteristics,” on page 31, Table 12, “VCCA AC
and DC Characteristics,” on page 31, and Table 19, “APIC Pin AC and DC Characteristics,” on
page 41.

In Chapter 10, added Table 21, “Dimensions for the AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Part
Number 27488 OPGA Package,” on page 48, Figure 14, “AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10
Part Number 27
488 OPGA Package Diagram,” on page 49, Table 22, “Dimensions for the
AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Part Number 27493 OPGA Package,” on page 50
, and
Figure 15, “AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Part Number 27493 OPGA Package Diagram,”
on page 51.

In Chapter 11, revised “APIC Pins, PICCLK, PICD[1:0]#” on page 72, “FID[3:0] Pins” on page 74,
Table 26, “Front-Side Bus Sense Truth Table,” on page 75, and “VCCA Pin” on page 77.

In Chapter 12, revised Figure 18, “OPN Example for the AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10,”
on page 79.

February 2003


Initial public release of the AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet

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