Multi-tasker – Altinex MT104-100/103 User Manual

Page 10

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The Card ID is an assigned value. It is equal to
the enclosure slot number in which the card is
installed. The value can range from 1 to 4 up to
1 to 20 depending on the enclosure.

Card ID 0 (C0) is used for the controller. See
the MT100-100 User’s Guide for details.

The Group ID is a number representing a group
of cards defined with the [WR] command. When
using the Group ID, all cards in the group will
perform the given instruction.

Changing the position of a card will significantly
affect the commands recorded on software
definitions or third party control systems.

The Unit ID has a value from 0 to 9. Unit ID 0
should be used for single unit operation. If the
Unit ID is set to zero, each command may be
used without Ui. Use the command [SETU0],
as explained in the MT100-100 User’s Guide.



For Unit ID Zero

[VERC3Ui]: For Unit ID other than Zero

Equivalent to [VERC3U0]

1. [VER]

This command receives the software version
and card type for the MT104-100/103 card.

Command Format: [VERCnUi]

Cn = card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


There is one MT104-100/103 card is in slot #2
of unit 3. Send the command [VERC2U3], and
the Multi-Tasker™ Enclosure will return:

MT104-100 690-0158-004

MT104-100 = card type

690-0158-004 = software version

2. [C]

This command receives the status of the card.

Command Format: [CnUi]

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)


= Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


There is one MT104-100 card in slot #4.

Sending the command [C4]

to the

Multi-Tasker™ will yield the following feedback:

ON 4 C04

ON 4

= Output 4 is selected and enabled


= The card is in slot 4

If there is no card in slot #4, sending the [C4]
command will not return any feedback.

3. [CnS]

This command saves the current status of the
card. This configuration will be restored after
system is reset or powered off then on.

Cn = card number (n = #1 to max slots)

S = save configuration

If Input 1 is enabled, the feedback after sending
the command [C4S], for slot 4, would be:

ON:1 C04 Saved

4. [?]

This command will return general information
about the Multi-Tasker™ and cards installed in
the unit.

Command Format: [?Ui]

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)


= Unit ID (i = from 0 to 9)