Introduction, Etu17 – compact 7 day timeswitch – Timeguard ETU17 User Manual
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The ETU17 is a compact seven day timeswitch which has six programmes,
each of which can be dedicated to 7 day, 5 day, 2 day or individual day
operation. It has a random switching capability useful for security applications.
It is also able to switch up to 500W of low energy (compact fluorescent) lamps
or linear fluorescent tubes which is particularly useful as this type of energy
efficient lighting is often used for security applications. The ETU17 is also well
suited to control washing machines, tumble driers, dish washers and other
appliances up to 13A (3kW).
ETU17 – Compact 7 Day Timeswitch
Change Button
sets Day(s), Hours and
Minute times, selects/
cancels Random Mode
and self cancelling
Output Status showing
unit either ON or OFF
Random Select
Mode switches unit ON/OFF at random intervals
between 10 & 30 minutes during programmed
ON times giving the impression that your home
or premises is always occupied
Programme Button
used to select the clock
time and the 6 ON/OFF
programme times and to
review them once set
Easy view 24 hour
digital clock/timer
Day indicator
1 = Monday
7 = Sunday