Edit device indicators – NUUO CMS User Manual
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NUUO Central Management System
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3. Click Yes in the confirmation window.
Edit Device Indicators
An indicator image can be rotated, mirrored, or changed. The image can also be set to refer to a different device than the
one originally chosen.
To rotate a device indicator to a preset angle:
Once a device indicator has been added or dragged to a map, the indicator image can be rotated. This is useful to show
which direction a camera is pointing.
1. Right-click the indicator or right-click the device form MapView.
2. Click Rotate and choose an angle (preset angle 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, or 315 degrees).
The radian, range, color and area of Camera Indicator can be set to show camera coverage.
To rotate a device indicator to an arbitrary angle:
1. Right-click the indicator or right-click the device form MapView, or click
icon from Edit toolbar.
2. Click Rotate Arbitrary.
3. Use the rotation handle to rotate the indicator to the desired angle, then click to fix the angle.
4. Click Rotate Arbitrary again to close this option.
To mirror a device indicator:
Indicator images can be mirrored (flipped horizontally) so that a mirror image is displayed. One use would be to show in
which direction a camera is pointing. For example, a default image may show a camera pointing left.
1. Right-click the indicator or right-click the device form MapView.
2. Click Mirror.
3. Mirroring would then have it facing right.
The mirror command is a toggle. To un-mirror a previously mirrored indicator, follow steps 1 and 2 again.
To change a device indicator image:
1. Right-click the indicator or right-click the device form MapView.
2. Click Settings.
3. Select the indicator image you want, then click OK.
To import a new indicator image, see page 錯誤
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