NORD Drivesystems B1091-1 User Manual
Page 10

Motors in fi operation for Category 3D – Planning guideline for B 1091
B 1091-1 GB-3213
Pos: 21 /Anleitungen/Motoren/B1091-1 Projektierungsleitfaden zur B1091/1. Technische Erläuterungen/1.5 Frequenzumrichterzuordnung und Auswahl der Betriebsart [B1091-1] @ 2\mod_1358240883977_388.docx @ 53380 @ 2 @ 1
1.5 Assignment of the frequency inverter and selection of the operating mode
The rated current of the frequency inverter must match the rated current of the motor in order to
achieve an adequate accuracy of the current measurement. The rated current of the frequency
inverter must not exceed 2x the rated motor current.
According to this planning guideline, multiple-motor operation is not permitted, as selective i²*t
monitoring of a motor is then no longer possible.
Please note the technical data in section 2
According to the application, the operating mode of the motor can be selected from one of the
following 3 characteristic curves:
• 50 Hz characteristic
Nominal point 400 V / 50 Hz, 0 – 50 Hz no field weakening and
50 – 100 Hz field weakening.
• 87 Hz characteristic
Nominal point 400 V / 87 Hz, 0 – 87 Hz no field weakening and
87 – 100 Hz field weakening.
• 100 Hz characteristic
Nominal point 400 V / 100 Hz, 0 – 100 Hz reduced constant torque with slight field
V/f characteristic curves
Figure 1: Selection of V/f characteristic curves
50 Hz characteristic curve
87 Hz characteristic curve
100 Hz characteristic curve
Pos: 22 /---------- Seitenumbruch ---------- @ 1\mod_1329145698658_0.docx @ 15891 @ @ 1