Milestone Event Proxy User Manual

Page 16

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Event Proxy User Guide Page 16


The Logging group box on the Communication tab.

To configure how much information you would like to log, select or deselect the following check

Check box


Log input events

Logging of input event arrivals.

Log output events

Logging of output events sent.

Log rule engine events

Logging of rule engine events. A rule engine event is when the

conditions of the rule (input events and logical expression) are

Input, output and rule engine events are by default logged in a file called EventProxy.log in Event
Proxy’s installation folder (typically the C:\Program Files\Milestone\Milestone Event Proxy folder).

Warnings and errors are by default always logged. They are logged in Windows Event Viewer. To

open Event Viewer and view the log file, select Run in Windows Start menu. Then type eventvwr in
the Run window, and in the Event Viewer window, select the EventProxy.log.

All event log settings can be altered by editing the
VideoOS.EventProxy.EventProxyService.exe.config file. Note, that the settings in the

VideoOS.EventProxy.EventProxyService.exe.config file take precedence of the settings defined in

the Communication tab’s Logging group box.