Logical operators, Editing a rule, Deleting a rule – Milestone Event Proxy User Manual

Page 14: Receiving input events

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Event Proxy User Guide Page 14


text (i.e. “&” or “AND”) by toggling the Show operator as symbol check box.

6. Click the OK button or press the Enter key on the keyboard to accept the entered values.

Logical operators

¾ “AND”: event 1 AND event 2 AND …


Means that all events must be High at the same time before an event is sent to
Milestone XProtect

¾ “OR”: event 1 OR event 2 OR …


Means that at least one of the events must be High before an event is sent to
Milestone XProtect

¾ “NOT”: Indicates that the “true” state is low instead of normal high


The state NOT will in a rule be combined with the logical operators “AND” or “OR”

¾ “(” and “)”: Is used to group logical statements, e.g. (event 1 AND NOT event 2) OR event



Means that if either event 1 is High and event 2 is Low at the same time or event 3
is High an event is sent to Milestone XProtect


Meaning that if event 1 is high and event 2 is Low an event is sent to
Milestone XProtect regardless of what state event 3 is in.


Likewise, if event 3 is High an event is sent to Milestone XProtect
regardless of the state of event 1 and event 2

Editing a Rule

To edit a rule, do the following:

1. Select the required rule in the Rules group box, and click the Edit button, or press the F2

key on the keyboard.

The Edit Rule window opens.

2. Change the required settings.

Tip: You are able to edit a logical expression directly in the Logical expression window.

3. Click the OK button or press the Enter key on the keyboard to accept the changes.

Deleting a Rule

To delete a rule, select the required rule in the Rules group box, and press the Delete button.

Receiving Input Events

You are able to configure how input events from a third party application should be received by the

event proxy in the Communication tab’s Receive input events on group box.