Milestone Event Proxy User Manual
Page 13

Event Proxy User Guide Page 13
2. Enter a unique name for the rule in the Rule name text box.
3. In the Output event combo box select which output event to trigger when the conditions of
the rule (input events and logical expression) are fulfilled.
4. Enter how many seconds the rule should be active by entering the number of seconds in
the Rule timeout (seconds) control.
Retrigger timer check box:
When the Retrigger timer check box is selected, the rule will be active for the selected
number of seconds after arrival of the last input event used by this rule.
When the Retrigger timer check box is NOT checked, the rule will be active for the
selected number of seconds after arrival of the first input event used by this rule.
Note: Only if all the input events used by the rule arrive within its active period, the
conditions of the rule are fulfilled. When the rule times out, it is reset and is no longer
active, until a new relevant input event arrives.
5. Set up a logical expression for the rule by double-clicking input events in the Available
input events list box, and states in the Available States list box, and clicking the logical
operator buttons (AND, OR, NOT, “(“ and “)”). Selected objects will be appended to the end
of the existing logical expression.
Alternatively a logical expression can be set up by writing it directly in the Logical
expression text box.
The logical expression can be written and shown using either operator symbols or operator