Configure storage wizard, Configure storage: video settings and preview – Milestone XProtect Professional 2014 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect




Administrator's Manual


Getting started

The CSV file must have a header line (determining what each value on the following lines is about),
and the following lines must each contain information about one hardware device only. A minimum of
information is always required for each hardware device:




IP address of the hardware device.


User name for hardware device's administrator account.


Password for hardware device's administrator account.


If cameras and server are offline

—specify a HardwareDriverID for

each hardware device you want to add. Example: ACTi ACD-2100
indicates that you should use 105 as the ID if adding an ACTi
ACD-2100 hardware device.

Existing configuration parameters that are not specified in CSV file remain unchanged. If a parameter
value for an individual camera in the CSV file is empty, the existing parameter value remains
unchanged on that camera. Most system integrators store hardware device information in
spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel, from which they can save the information as comma-separated
values in a CSV file.

The following applies for the information present in CSV files:

The first line of the CSV file must contain the headers, and following lines must contain
information about one hardware device each

Separators can be commas, semicolons or tabs, but cannot be mixed

All lines must contain valid values

—pay special attention to the fact that camera names, user

names and similar items must be unique, and must not contain any of the following special
characters: < > & ' " \ / : * ? | [ ]

There is no fixed order of values, and optional parameters can be omitted entirely

Boolean fields are considered true unless set to 0, false or no

Lines containing only separators are ignored

Empty lines are ignored

Even though the CSV file format is generally ASCII only, Unicode identifiers are allowed. Even without
Unicode identifiers, the entire file or even individual characters are allowed to be Unicode strings.

Configure storage wizard

The Video storage step helps you quickly configure your cameras' video and recording properties.

Configure storage: Video settings and preview

Control bandwidth, brightness, compression, contrast, resolution, rotation and more in Video settings.
Use the list on the left side of the wizard window to select a camera and adjust its video settings. Then
select the next camera and adjust its settings. Video settings are to a large extent camera-specific, so
you must configure these settings individually for each camera.