Getting started – Kaman KDM-8200 User Manual
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Kaman Precision Products
Getting Started
The KDM-8200 operates from a +/- 15 VDC power source. If your system
External was no configured with a power supply; you will need to provide an external
Power Supply
power source. Using 24 AWG or heavier insulated wires, connect +V to Pins
2A and 2C, -V to Pins 6A and 6C, and ground to Pins 10A and 10C on the
Kaman power bus. All Series 8000 racks have a power supply, except for customer-
special configurations.
Connecting power to any other than the specified pins may cause damage to the 8200 and
/ or power source.
Mount the sensor in its application fixture in either a surface or flush mount.
Set the target in place for calibration
Zero, Gain, and Linearity (Coarse and Fine) potentiometers are located on the control
panel on the front of the module. You can adjust these using a screwdriver.
Determine whether your calibration will be full scale, bipolar output, or high accuracy
band. Proceed to the appropriate page for full instructions on the method you require.
All users, refer to Part 3: THE EQUIPMENT. Fixture conductivity, conductive objects
within sensor range, sensor diameter, and shielded vs. unshielded sensor types are all determining
factors of how the sensor should be mounted.
Using a simulated fixture for mounting during calibration can affect the adjustments for each
channel. Whenever possible, use your application fixture during calibration.
In rack configurations, all measuring channels must be synchronized. In Kaman-supplied racks,
the master is the left most measuring channel (slot position one); all others are slave modules.
Because of system wiring requirements, removing any module will disable all modules to the
right of the removed module. See APPENDIX B for synchronization instructions.
If you have purchased a Kaman EuroCard chassis, power supply, display, or function card, see
the appropriate user manual for specific information.
If you have more than one sensor or measuring channel in close proximity, you may require
synchronization. See APPENDIX B for more information.
With a thorough knowledge of calibration controls and accurate application of the
calibration procedures described in Part 4: CALIBRATION, you can achieve optimum
results. Deviations or shortcuts can result in operator-induced errors and may complicate,
rather than solve, your measurement problems.