Dwyer DHII User Manual

Page 19

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rESO (Resolution) SUB MENU

The Digihelic


II Controller is capable of displaying four digits of resolution. However, at very low

pressures the instability of the pressure may cause fluctuations in the least significant digit
causing the least significant digit to be of little value.
Three digit resolution (3DIG) can only be active when there is at least one digit to the right of a

3DIG - Set display for 3 digit resolution
4DIG - Set display for 4 digit resolution

Pd.S (Process Display) SUB MENU

STD - Display reads pressure, velocity, or flow values
PCT - Display reads % of full scale value

When the display is reading percent, PCT is displayed in the upper right of the display. The
percent display is only available in pressure operation.

DAMP (Dampening) SUB MENU

Adjust from 1-16

Dampening stabilizes the display from instabilities due to things such as vibration and
excessive pressure fluctuations. The dampening setting adjusts the amount of readings that
are averaged for each display update. Adjust the dampening value until the display reads a
stable value for the application.

AdU (Advanced) MAIN MENU

POL - Process output low

ADDR - Modbus



POH - Process output high

WR - Modbus


write enable/disable

MSP1 - Maintenance set point 1

ZERO - Zero calibration

MSP2 - Maintenance set point 2

SPAN - Span calibration

POL and POH (Process Output Low and High) SUB MENUS

This feature is used in pressure operation only.

Process output low and high are used to scale the 4-20 mA output. Set POL to the desired
display reading for 4mA output, and set POH to the desired display reading for 20 mA output.
POH must be higher than POL. POL may be adjusted 2% BELOW minimum scale up to POH.
POH may be adjusted from POL to 2% ABOVE maximum scale.