Dwyer DHII User Manual

Page 15

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These SUB MENUS become accessible if the instrument is set for flow. When measuring flow, the
area of the duct must be specified. Tables 3 and 4 show the input range vs maximum flow and duct
size. For a rectangular duct the maximum size is specified in square feet or meters. For a circular duct
the maximum size is specified as the diameter. X, Y and circular dimensions are entered in feet with
0.01 foot resolution for FLOr = LO and 0.1 foot resolution for FLOr = HI, or entered in millimeters with
1 millimeter resolution.

ArEA - Area, select CIR for a circular duct or RECT for a rectangular duct. If a circular duct
is selected, the DIA SUB MENU will be activated. If a rectangular duct is selected, the XDIM
and YDIM SUB MENUS will be activated.

DIA - Diameter, enter the diameter of a duct
XDIM - Enter the “X” dimension of a duct
YDIM - Enter the “Y” dimension of a duct

OUt (Output) MAIN MENU

The OUt MENU selects the output type of the instrument. The SUB
MENUS are:

CtrL- Control type

ALrE - Alarm reset, manual or auto

ISP - SP1 reverse or direct acting

AL.H - Alarm inhibit

AL - Alarm type

ALDL - Alarm delay