Badger Meter Vision User Manual
User manual, Vision turbine meters, Description

Vision Turbine Meters
Models BV1000 and BV2000
for Low Viscosity and Non-Aggressive Liquids
VIS-UM-00021-EN-02 (July 2014)
User Manual
The Vision Turbine Meters are Bisphenol A (BPA)-free
meters that comply with the lead-free provisions of the
Safe Drinking Water Act. The meters are designed for flow
measurement of demineralized water, alkaline solutions, oils,
salad oil, fuel/fuel consumption, beverages, water solutions,
and coolants.
• The BV1000 flow range is 0.026…0.65 gpm
(0.1…2.5 lpm)
• The BV2000 flow range 0.13…9.2 gpm
(0.5…35 lpm)
The meter is especially suitable for washing machines,
dishwashers, coffee machines, laser cooling plants, solar
solutions, bakery machines, steam cooking machines in
large kitchen plants, and CD or DVD cleaning.
• Check compatibility of liquid with the
meter material.
• Install a 50 micron filter in front of the meter, if needed,
to remove solid ingredients. Do not use on fluids with
fibrous content or contamination.
• Install sensor into properly cleaned pipeline only.
• Check electrical connection according to the electrical
wiring plan.
• Prior to installation, confirm system versus
sensor specifications.
• Filter the system to 50 microns prior to the sensor, and
minimize pulses/water hammer effects to prevent unit
• Observe the arrow on the bottom of the unit for correct
inlet and outlet port. Sensor can be mounted in any
horizontal, vertical, or skewed orientation.
• Correctly installed, the sensor works
Installing 1/4" and 3/8" NPT Units
1. Apply a small amount of thread sealant (Permatex “No
More Leaks” ®) or Teflon® tape to male threads.
Make sure that the sealant does not enter into the
turbine and bearing internal area.
2. Hand tighten unit in place.
3. Turn an additional 1/4 turn to seal. If the seal leaks,
turn an additional 1/4 turn or until the leak stops.
Do not exceed one additional turn total beyond
hand tightening.
Installing G 1/4" and G 3/8" Units
The G 1/4" and G 3/8" units mate with a flat face seal washer,
similar to a garden hose arrangement. This arrangement
requires no sealants; hand tightening should be sufficient
for sealing.