Programming instructions – Badger Meter Remote Electronic Display (RED) User Manual

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7. Place the strain relief ring around the RTR lead wire and


8. Carefully remove about 1-1/2” of the outer sheath of the RTR

lead wire, up to the strain relief ring; avoid cutting the lead wires

or the insulation of the wires. Strip about 1/2” of the insulation

from both RTR lead wires.

9. Remove any temporary protective material from the register

base using the two register terminal screws. Do not tighten

down the screws yet.

10. Connect the RTR cable conductors to the RED wires using

the wire connectors provided in the installation kit. Crimp

the cables completely using a parallel jaw crimper such as the

Badger Meter P/N 59983-001. Polarity must be observed when

connecting the RTR to the RED wires: red (+) to red, black (-) to

black. Make sure to place the wire connector and strain relief in

the rextangular recess of the base.

11. Attach register cover to register base with the Seal screw.

The Seal screw is designed to discourage and identify tamper-


12. Secure the entire length of wire run from the RTR to the RED

to complete a neat installation.

13. The complete system (meter, RTR, RED, and wire) should be

performance tested to insure proper installation. Refer to perfor-

mance check section of this bulletin for procedures.


Since the Badger RTR is an incremental encoder, RED must be

programmed to match the meter reading upon installation.

From that point forward the incremental pulses from the meter

should keep the RED in sync with it. Programming the RED

clears any existing “tamper” error flag.

1. After connecting the RED to the RTR, tap the circular gold disk

on the front of the RED display.

2. If the message “PROGRMNG REQUIRED” appears, the RED has

never been programmed since power was applied, or has gone

through reset. The current meter reading must be programmed.

3. To enter PROGRAMMING MODE, tap the display to turn it

on, then when it is displaying either a meter reading or the

“PROGRMNG REQUIRED” message, tap the following password

into the display:

8 taps

3 taps

7 taps

2 taps

Wait after each tap until one of the small comma symbols (dots)

near the top left corner of each display digit lights up acknowl-

edging your tap, then tap again. Keep tapping until the number

of dots above the digits corresponds to the number of taps in

the current password digit. For example, if 3 password taps have

been received, then 3 digits will have a small dot lit above them.

The following shows 3 dots above the digits, so 3 of 8 password

taps have been acknowledged so far:

4. After all the taps have been acknowledged for the first pass-

word digit, wait a few seconds for the dots to disappear, then

start tapping in the next digit. Repeat until all 4 of the password

digits stated above have been tapped in. The following shows

correct entry of all 4 password digits:

8 acknowledged taps:

Wait for dots to disappear:

3 acknowledged taps:

Wait for dots to disappear:

7 acknowledged taps:

Wait for dots to disappear:

2 acknowledged taps:

5. After all of the password digits have been tapped in success-

fully, the display will show the message “PROGRAM MODE”. If the

meter is not connected properly a diagnostic message is issued

at this point, otherwise proceed as follows with programming of

the digits.

‘ ‘7 ‘6 5 4 3 2 1

‘ ‘7 ‘6 ‘5 ‘4 ‘3 ‘2 ‘1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

‘ ‘7 ‘6 5 4 3 2 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

‘ ‘7 ‘6 ‘5 ‘4 ‘3 ‘2 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

‘ ‘7 6 5 4 3 2 1