Martel Electronics 320 User Manual
Page 14

The Eng Unit key allows the user to select any of the 8
standard or 1 user definable engineering units to be
activated for the pressure display. Each time the Eng
Unit key is pressed, the next engineering unit is
selected. Engineering units which exceed PSI
resolution, will not be valid. Example, 50,000 counts,
when converted from the 5000.0 PSIG converted to
mmHg equals 258,575 mmHg. This exceeds 50,000
counts and will not be an active unit of measurement.
If a user defined engineering unit has been entered, it
is displayed as the 9
entry. The user defined entry
can always be identified by a “u” in the first position,
followed by the name.
The user defined engineering uits are configured from
the operator setup functions (UsrEng).
The Damp key alternately enables or disables
damping of the displayed pressure measurements.
When damping is active, the Model 320 displays a
running average of the last 16 measurements rather