Computer controlled operation – Martel Electronics MC1000 User Manual
Page 19

(D.) Stop Bits:
(E.) Flow Control:
Click OK box to accept these entries.
8. Hook up the MC1000 calibrator to the PC uti-
lizing the special Martel Electronics RS-232
cable as follows:
(A.) Plug the 9 pin connector end of the
cable to the appropriate serial port
on the computer.
(B.) With the MC1000 calibrator
switched off, plug the other end of
the cableplug the other end of the
cable into the DB-15 connector on
the top of the MC1000 calibrator.
9. Power up the MC1000 calibrator per the
appropriate instruction manual. The computer
screen should now be displaying data being
sent directly from the MC1000 calibrator.
Note: You may wish to save these settings
when exiting HyperTerminal. If so, click on the
OK box when prompted “Do you want to save
X?”, where X corresponds to the name entered
in Step #5.
Computer Controlled Operation
The MC1000 calibrator can be operated remote-
ly via a computer or terminal. When connected
to a computer, via the RS-232 serial data port
and appropriate cabling, the user may control
the calibrator functions remotely by utilizing sim-
ple computer keyboard commands.
The following chart details which computer keys
control which MC1000 calibrator functions: