Martel Electronics PSC4010 User Manual
Page 20
Overlapped Commands
Commands that require more time to execute than normal. The command *WAI can be used
after the overlapped command to tell the calibrator to wait until the command finishes before
executing the next command. For example:
Triggers the pulse train. Once the pulse train has been triggered, the calibrator can proceed
to the next command.
Sequential Commands
Commands that are executed immediately after the are entered. This type includes most of
the commands.
5.3-2 Character Processing
The data entered into the calibrator is processed as follows:
• ASCII characters are discarded if their decimal equivalent is less than 32 (space), except 10
(LF) and 13 (CR):
• Data is taken as 7-bit ASCII
• The most significant data bit is ignored.
• Upper or lower case is acceptable.
5.3-3 Response Data Types
The data returned by the calibrator can be divided into four types:
For most computers and controllers they are decimal numbers ranging from -32768 to 32768.
For example:
*ESE 140; *ESE? returns 140
Numbers that have up to 15 significant figures and exponents. For example:
FREQ_LEVEL? returns 5.000000E-00
Character Response Data (CRD)
Data returned as keywords. For example:
FUNC? returns DCV
Indefinite ASCII (IAD)
Any ASCII characters followed by a terminator. For example:
*IDN? returns MARTEL, PSC4010, 250, 1.00