Table 1. rear panel dip switch functions, Parallel operation, Configure dip 4 – KEPCO RA 19-1U Quick Start Guide User Manual
Page 2: Configure dip 3

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KEPCO, INC. " 131-38 SANFORD AVENUE " FLUSHING, NY. 11355 U.S.A. " TEL (718) 461-7000 " FAX (718) 767-1102 " email: [email protected]
PARALLEL OPERATION. The most common use for
the RA 19-1U rack adapter is with two or more HSF’s con-
nected in parallel to a single load with forced current shar-
ing to increase current output, increase reliability and/or
provide redundancy. Only adjacent slots can be con-
nected in parallel using DIP switches.
Figure 3 shows HSF’s in slots 3 and 4 connected in paral-
lel (master/slave, master established automatically by
voltage) with forced current sharing and a close-on-fail
alarm circuit. Both HSF modules are configured for output
voltage to be adjusted from the front panel trimpot (factory
default setting). See HSF operator manual for other output
voltage adjustment options.
Configure DIP 4:
1. Set positions 1 and 2, to ON. This connects +S to +V
and –S to –V for slot 4, establishing local sensing for
slot 4.
2. Set positions 3 and 4, to ON. This connects sense lines
(+S to +S and –S to –S) for slots 4 and 3.
3. Set position 5, to ON. This connects the current share
bus (CB) for slots 4 and 3.
4. Set positions 6 and 7 to ON. Position 6 connects the
normally open ALARM (N.O.) lines and position 7 con-
nects the ALARM (COM) (common) for slots 4 and 3,
implementing a close-on-fail alarm circuit (see equiva-
lent schematic shown in Figure 3. If either PS3 or PS4
fails, a contact closure provides continuity across pins 7
and 14 of both I/O 4 and I/O 3.
5. Set position 8 to OFF. This position is only set to ON for
open-on-fail alarm circuits.
Configure DIP 3:
1. Set positions 1 and 2, to ON. This connects +S to +V
and –S to –V for slot 3, establishing local sensing for
slot 3.
2. Set positions 3 and 4, to OFF. This isolates sense lines
(±S) between slots 3 and 2.
3. Set position 5 to OFF. This isolates the current share
bus (CB) between slots 3 and 2.
4. Set position 6 and 7, to OFF. This isolates the ALARM
(N.O.) and ALARM (COM) lines between slots 3 and 2.
5. Set position 8 to OFF. This position is only set to ON for
open-on-fail alarm circuits.
1, 2
Local /
Position 1 connects +V+ to +S, Position 2 connects –V to –S.
Both required ON (factory default) for independent operation with Local Sensing.
Both required OFF for:
a) Independent configurations using Remote Sensing.
b) Independent configurations using Local Sensing with user supplied connections from +V+ to +S and –V to –S.
c) All parallel configurations (sensing must be established using external wires).
d) All series connections.
3, 4
+ and –
in parallel
Position 3 connects +S to adjacent slot +S, Position 4 connects –S to adjacent slot –S.
Both required OFF (factory default) for all configurations except parallel configurations using DIP switch settings to con-
nect the sense leads in parallel.
Both required ON for parallel configurations using DIP switch settings to connect the sense leads in parallel.
Required ON for parallel operation with forced current share (connects current share lines in parallel) unless connec-
tions are made via external wires
Required OFF (factory default) for
a) independent and series configurations.
b) Parallel configurations using external wires at I/O connector to connect CSB (current share bus) lines in parallel.
c) Parallel configurations without forced current sharing (current balancing),
6, 7
Close on
When set to OFF (factory default), individual power supplies produce closure between I/O connector N.O. and COM
pins upon failure.
When set to ON, parallels N.O pins of adjacent slots to allow a single alarm to provide failure indication (contact closure
between N.O. pin and COM pin) if any one of many power supplies fails.
Open on
When set to OFF (factory default), individual power supplies produce open between I/O connector N.C. and COM pins
upon failure.
When set to ON, connects N.C to COM between adjacent slots so that individual alarms are connected in series. This
allows a single alarm to provide failure indication (contact open between N.C. pin and COM pin) if any one of many
power supplies fails.