Work Sharp WS2000 Tool Sharpener & Grinder Step By Step Guide User Manual

Page 7

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Place the fine grit solid abrasive face
up on your tool and flatten the back
of your blade so you have a smooth,
consistent finish. This step is critical
and should not be overlooked.

Turn the wheel over so the fine grit
solid abrasive is facing down then
sharpen with the same plunge and
pull used for chisels. This process
should only take a few minutes.

Do not plunge the plane blade
against the wheel for longer than
one second intervals or use excessive
load or force. This will only create
unnecessary heat and burr. Follow
the light handed ‘plunge pull’
method for fastest, coolest and
sharpest results.




45° approach

Fine solid abrasive (P180–P320 grit)

Flatten back of plane blade

Fine solid abrasive

Plunge-and-pull method: Plunge

Fine solid abrasive

Plunge-and-pull method: Pull

Fine solid abrasive
