Overriding dynamic pod assignments, Reserving a port assignment, Releasing a port from a pod set – Brocade Network OS Software Licensing Guide v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 31
Overriding Dynamic POD assignments
You can override the automatic port license assignments by releasing Dynamic POD assignments from
a port and by reserving an assignment for a specific port.
Reserving a port assignment
Reserving an assignment for a port assigns that port to a Ports on Demand (POD) license regardless of
whether the port is online or offline. Reserving assignments allocates the POD license to specified
ports. This operation overrides automatic port assignments. The reserved assignment will not be
available to other ports that come online. To reserve an assignment for a port, a free assignment must
be available.
Enter the show dpod command to determine the unassigned ports.
If all ports are assigned, select a port to release its POD assignment. Follow the instructions in
Releasing a port from a POD set
on page 29 to release a port from its POD assignment. Once
the port is released, you can reuse the assignment for another port.
Enter the global configuration mode by issuing the configure terminal command.
Select the port for which you want to reserve an assignment and enter the dpod reserve
Enter the exit command to return to the global configuration mode before you reserve another port.
switch# configure terminal
Entering configuration mode terminal
switch(config)# dpod 5/0/10 reserve
%INFO : Port reserved.
switch(config-dpod-5/0/10)# exit
switch(config)# dpod 5/0/11 reserve
%INFO : Port reserved.
switch0(config-dpod-5/0/11)# exit
License reservations or removals do not persist across switch reboots and power cycles. To make
them persistent, save the configuration changes by issuing the use copy running-config startup-
config command before you reboot the switch.
Save the configuration changes.
switch# copy running-config startup-config
Reboot the switch.
Enter the show running-config dpod command to verify the port is reserved.
switch# show running-config dpod 5/0/10
dpod 5/0/10
switch# show running-config dpod 5/0/11
dpod 5/0/11
Releasing a port from a POD set
Once a port has been assigned to a Dynamic POD license port set, it remains licensed (or "reserved")
until you remove the port from the port set. You remove a port from the port set by releasing the port
with the dpod release command. Releasing a port removes it from the Dynamic POD license port set;
the port appears as unassigned until it comes back online.
Overriding Dynamic POD assignments
Network OS Software Licensing Guide