NcSTAR STH432G User Manual

Page 4

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Your Mark III Tactical Scope is equipped with a Quick Focus Eyepiece on the rear of the Ocular Lens
easily distinguished by the serrated ring (Fig. 3). Once your scope is properly mounted you can focus
your reticle to ensure a clear and crisp image.

1. Hold your firearm and look through your scope in a

comfortable position to where you see a full field of view.

Make quick glances through the eyepiece at a featureless,

flatly lit area such as a wall or open sky.

2. Spinning the eyepiece Counter-Clockwise will extend the

eyepiece outward (generally suitable for those who are Far

Sighted). Spinning the eyepiece Clockwise will bring the

eyepiece back into the Ocular Lens housing (generally

suitable for those who are Near Sighted) Fine tune your
adjustments until the reticle appears clear and sharp.

3. Once the eyepiece reaches the outer limits of adjustment, be

sure not to force it so as not to ruin the integrity of the



Your Mark III Tactical Scope is equipped with adjustment turrets for Windage and Elevation. The

Elevation Adjustment turret is located within the Bullet Drop Compensator (BDC) on top of the turret
housing. To access the Elevation Adjustment, remove the slotted Elevation Cap on top of the BDC by
using a thin coin or a flat blade screwdriver (Fig. 4).

Turning the Elevation Adjustment Counter-Clockwise will move

the crosshairs Up, and turning the Elevation Adjustment
Clockwise will move the crosshairs Down. Replace the Slotted
Elevation Cap once you have made all necessary adjustments

(Fig. 4).

The Windage Adjustment turret is located on the right side of
the scope body. This Windage Adjustment is an open Target
style turret for ease of access at anytime (Fig. 5).

Twisting the Windage Adjustment Counter-Clockwise will move
the crosshairs to the Right, and twisting the Windage

Adjustment Clockwise will move the crosshairs to the Left.