Renkus-Heinz ICL-FR User Manual
Page 8

RHAON ORGANIZATION: Three Fundamental Audio Operations
Before we go on, let’s take a look at the structure of RHAON. Audio operations comprise three fundamental areas that are necessary for
the success of any sound system:
In a RHAON system there are both physical connections and network (software) connections. The physical connections are made using
UTP cable meeting at least CAT5 standards and/or analog cables as well as AC power cords. Network connections are established in
the software. You don’t have to make the two types of connections in a particular order. RHAON software allows you to set up a “virtual
system” using beam steering, pre-configure DSP settings for individual loudspeakers and establish and store preset configurations before
the physical connections are made. If you are using RHAON’s CobraNet digital audio functions, you will also need to connect a CobraNet
source (an analog to CobraNet converter) to the network.
You can control many DSP parameters in real time, and/or pre-configure them in software prior to installation and make final adjustments
during commissioning or setup. Preset configurations are available for instant recall.
RHAON allows both real-time supervision while the system is in use, and remote supervision with fault logging and operator alerts via e-
mail, text messaging, etc. Every single driver an array is supervised and its status displayed, and any failures detected trigger an alarm.
At any time you can switch into any of the three RHAON operating modes using the Connect | Control | Supervise tool bar directly above
the work space. You can also switch between the three fundamental operating modes and the Beams / Presets folder using tabs inside the
Loudspeaker Properties windows.
Users Manual